Reasons Students Say They Prefer Learning Online
Students in online environments enjoy the equity in the ability to share thoughts and ideas. No longer is it just the student in the front of the room or the one with the loudest voice who is heard. When learning online, the playing field is leveled and opportunities are in place such as commenting on posts, videos, and student work or participating in discussion forums. These environments provide students with varied opportunities to share their thoughts and ideas.
How CBRT Online Course Works?
Online Crash Course:
Complete your crash course using with 4 easy steps.
(1) After creating an account, choose your course from the selected online crash course list.
(2) After selecting your course, Watch the video tutorials anytime anywhere in the world.
(3) After watching the video tutorials and apply your knowledge in easy steps. (Not applicable for Crash course)
(4) Then Enter your address using the zip code to obtain a hard copy of the certificate.
Other IT courses:
Course duration depending on the time.
For example: Aprox 20 minutes of video a day is enough (If you watch 40 minutes of video a day, it will be treated as 2 days).
Thus, each student can complete the diploma course in a matter of hours or days.